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A Quick Guide to Collaborative Workplace Design

Creating a comfortable workplace that inspires creativity and productivity


Ergonomic products and furniture are integral parts of developing a work environment that supports the well-being of your employees while boosting productivity.

Ergonomic Furniture Delivers Comfort, Increases Productivity

In the 1980s, as computers in the workplace became more common, computer-related injuries were new and increasing. Today, professionals and companies have a greater understanding of the benefits of ergonomic workstations. That change, says Thomas Barnidge of 3M, has shifted the conversation regarding workplace design “from ergonomics to exploring how companies can help their employees be more productive.”

Ergonomic Products

  • Monitor arms allow you to adjust your screen to a comfortable height for viewing to reduce eye, back and neck strain.
  • Anti-glare filters protect against interfering light to make reading on your monitor easier.
  • Task lights keep your workstation properly lit, reducing glare and improving reading efficiency.

Learn more about effective office layouts in A Quick Guide to Collaborative Workplace Design.

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