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Innovate your space

Furnishing a new state-of-the-art high school

See how ODP Business Solutions helped design and deliver a 400,000-square-foot learning environment in time for back to school. 


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Connecting to the leading edge

Equipping a leading healthcare provider

Discover how ODP Business Solutions was able to work directly with vendors to secure a multifunction printer that exceeded the healthcare provider’s expectations.


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Empower your remote and hybrid teams

Maintaining operational continuity in a hybrid work setting

Read how to help prioritize investments across all areas of remote communication, “work-from-anywhere” connectivity, flexible work, and traditional office spaces.


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Real stories. Real People. Real solutions.

Empowering a nationwide automotive dealership

See how we worked with Lithia Motors to create a custom online marketplace that offers all the items Lithia wants, making purchasing easy. 

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Redesigning the offices of an architecture firm

Discover how ODP Business Solutions® Workspace Interiors helped Lionakis furnish a new culture of movement and collaboration from the ground up.

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Overhauling a trade association’s space on budget

Watch how ODP Business Solutions® Workspace Interiors helped the Federation of American Hospitals renovate the common areas in its HQ.

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Fostering relationships for a brighter future

Read an overview about our commitment to supplier diversity — a social imperative that benefits business and communities alike — and learn more about our efforts and resources.

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Empowering employees with evolving workspaces

Discover how traditional office spaces can be transformed to give organizations the confidence to meet the demands of the future.

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Making a commitment to sustainability

Learn about ODP Business Solutions® commitment to the planet, people, and prosperity, then discover the greener solutions and services we offer to help you meet your goals.
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Reconnecting the remote workforce

Read up on how to optimize your office for collaboration with remote and hybrid team members, so you can help maximize productivity wherever business gets done. 

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Addressing the spread of germs

Find out how cleaning, disinfectants, sanitizers, and more can help you reduce absenteeism and help you maintain a healthier school environment overall. 

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